
Carrer Sant Pere Més Alt 48, L-1
08003 Barcelona  España
+ 34 619127581
Horari: Horari: Dilluns-Dissabte 10:30-14:00 h / 16:30h-20:00 h


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Art rental Barcelona ofrece un exquisito espacio para eventos, un versátil espacio para galerías y un lugar central de alquiler para exposiciones, alquiler de estudios y necesidades de espacio creativo, perfecto para un centro de galerías o un lugar privado. Art rental Barcelona offers an exquisite event space, versatile gallery space, and central hire venue for exhibitions, studio rentals, and creative space needs, perfect for a gallery center or private venue.

About us

We are a contemporary art gallery located in the center of Barcelona. We specialize in showcasing works of contemporary abstract art from Europe and Latin America. Our portfolio includes established artists such as Alex Voinea, Jordi Artigas, Palma Alvarino, Alberto Ruiz, Carlos Delgado, Catherine Parra, Simon Cruz, Simon Sepulveda, and Rafael Dussan. Matiz is a family owned gallery with Ivonne Parra & Juan Ramirez as gallerist.