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Obra d'art única amb un certificat d'autenticitat.

Les pintures es poden orientar horitzontalment o verticalment.

(Preus sense IVA)

Aquesta obra d'Alex Voinea pertany a la seva darrera sèrie d'obres del 2023, que mostra una paleta de colors clàssica i serena. El fons passa amb gràcia d'un blau cerúleo profund a un blanc suau, proporcionant un ambient relaxant. En primer pla, un corrent captivador de vermells, verds, negres i blancs s'entrellaça d'esquerra a dreta, guiant amb habilitat la mirada de l'observador i creant una sensació de moviment i profunditat. Delicadament teixit en aquesta pintoresca escena, hi ha un delicat flux de rosa i violeta, que afegeix un toc d'elegància a la composició general. La notable tècnica d'Alex Voinea brilla, permetent a l'observador percebre una experiència tridimensional fascinant dins d'aquesta obra d'art.

Un altre gran quadre a #Matiz_bcn 🎨


Preu regular €5.910,00 EUR
Preu regular Preu de venta €5.910,00 EUR
Venda Venut

Shipping & Returns / IVA

Shipping fees and applicable taxes are not included in the listed price. The gallery can arrange shipping for an additional cost, but we require the recipient's zip code to provide an accurate shipping quote. Please note that it takes approximately 30 minutes to determine the final shipping cost.

Shipping costs vary based on distance, weight, and size of the artwork. Paintings can be shipped framed or unframed, with the canvas rolled in a hard tube if preferred.

Before finalizing your purchase, please contact us for detailed shipping information. Each shipment is unique and insured for your peace of mind. Paintings can be shipped framed or unframed and the canva rolled in a hard tube. Before making your purchase ask us for details! Every shipment is unique and ensured.

Care Instructions

- Do not expose paintings or prints to direct sunlight.

- Display your art in a cool, dry place.Gently clean your canvases with a soft, damp cloth.

- Avoid using household chemical cleaners, as they can damage the artwork.

- Wrap your prints in acid-free archival paper before storing or transporting them.Never stack multiple paintings against each other.

Ask us for more information!

Veure tots els detalls
  • Shipping policy

    There are different ways to ship a painting, but to make an estimate of the shipping pricing we will need your ZIP code.

    ask us here! 
  • how is it going to look?

    We do offer free personalized and realistic montage of the paintings for potential clients, we just need the picture of the place and some measurements! Send us a picture and ask for one!

    Ask us here!